Motor Driver Boards, Modules
Motor driver boards and modules contain the circuitry necessary to supply adequate power and control for AC, DC brushed and brushless, servo and stepper motor(s). Boards consist of an open frame design and are mounted at the user's discretion. Modules include some type of enclosure and are mounted using flanges, tabs and DIN rail. Communication interfaces may include; CAN, PWM, RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, SPI, I2C, USB, step/direction, UART and EtherCat.
Product List
Total Components: 1
ProductPricingDatasheetTypeMotor TypeControl / Drive TypeNumber of MotorsVoltage - LoadCurrent - OutputWattage - LoadVoltage - SupplyInterfaceMounting TypeOperating TemperatureFeaturesFor Use With/Related ProductsStock & Quantity
OSEPP Electronics
BoardStepperStepper, Bipolar1---5VDC-Chassis Mount--Arduino
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