DC Brushless Fans (BLDC)
Products in the DC fan family are electromechanical products used to induce air movement and operate from a DC power source, typically of 48 volts or less. Though virtually all such products in current production are based on brushless motor technology, some variation in their other features does occur, including provisions for speed control and feedback mechanisms.
Product List
Total Components: 1
ProductPricingDatasheetVoltage - RatedSize / DimensionWidthAir FlowStatic PressureBearing TypeFan TypeFeaturesNoisePower (Watts)RPMTerminationIngress ProtectionOperating TemperatureApproval AgencyWeightStock & Quantity
Sanyo Denki
24VDCSquare - 60mm L x 60mm H25.00mm23.0 CFM (0.644m³/min)0.228 in H2O (56.8 Pa)BallTubeaxialLocked Rotor Protection33.0dB(A)1.92 W4600 RPM2 Wire Leads--4 ~ 158°F (-20 ~ 70°C)CSA, TUV, UL0.176 lb (80.00 g)
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