Heat Guns, Torches, Accessories
Heat Guns, Torches, and accessories are tools used to apply heat via emitted hot air, radiated energy, or a direct flame, along with the supplementary items used with them. They are similar in shape and construction to a hair dryer, though they run at much higher temperatures 40°F (4.4°C) to 3729°F (2054°C). The tool types are a bed heater, belt heater, butane torch, compressed air heater, CV-Obhat Stub, discrete heater, heat blower, heat gun, infrared heater, propane torch, and a tunnel oven.
Product List
Total Components: 1
ProductPricingDatasheetTool TypeAccessory TypeTemperature RangeVoltageCurrentPower - RatedIncludesFor Use With/Related ProductsCompatible ToolsFeaturesApproval Agency MarkingApproved CountriesNozzle OpeningAir FlowColorStock & Quantity
AMP Connectors/TE Connectivity
-Transformer-110 ~ 220V-----------
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