Switches are devices used to interrupt the flow of electrical current in one or more circuits, under the direct physical control of some outside mechanism such as a user's finger or thumb, a magnet, or a moving machine component. Organization of sub-groups within the category occurs along lines of the physical style or form of switches' actuators, or a particular application or purpose for which they are designed.
Product List
Total Components: 5
Product | Pricing | Datasheet | Type | Voltage | Current | Stock & Quantity |
DDS2-316-MSDHGRY c3controls | 1 $21.7700 | Datasheet | Door Handle Kit, Red | - | 16A | 9,663 Cart + RFQ |
DDS2-360-DHGBG c3controls | 1 $37.9800 | Datasheet | Handle, Red/Yellow | - | 63A | 7,117 Cart + RFQ |
EDS2-325-ABS-GRY c3controls | 1 $46.9000 | Datasheet | Handle, Red/Yellow | - | 25A | 3,370 Cart + RFQ |
DDS2-340-DHGRY c3controls | 1 $33.3500 | Datasheet | Handle, Red/Yellow | - | 40A | 3,502 Cart + RFQ |
EDS2-325-PC-GRY c3controls | 1 $55.0000 | Datasheet | Handle, Red/Yellow | - | 25A | 6,400 Cart + RFQ |